Blog Quote

Do you have a fixed price list for a specific service, for example, a website?

We appreciate these questions. Each project we undertake is unique, which results in a different rate for the service. Let's take, for example, a project for a website containing only your logo and phone number, and compare it to a shop containing 10 categories and several forms and special tabs. Do you think the rate for both projects is the same? It's worth noting that there are many such projects, each with different functionalities.

This provides a simple answer - we do not have a fixed price list.

How long does it take to complete projects?

We try to do it as quickly as possible, but it depends on several factors. What kind of project needs to be done and what it should consist of. Before starting work, you will receive information from us about how long it will take to complete the service.

What are your working hours for contact?

We work from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. In case of technical problems, we are available outside these hours.

How much do I need to invest in marketing activities?

It is worth considering what effect you want to achieve and in what time frame. Usually, the larger the amount, the better the effect you receive. Before starting promotional activities online, there are several factors to consider.

  • Do you know where you want to advertise your project? Each advertising channel is different. If your budget is 1000 PLN and you need to advertise on 5 different platforms, it will result in a smaller amount for each channel, which translates into a smaller effect in each channel.
  • Do you plan to advertise for a longer period than a day/week/month? Often, a mistake leading to no results in advertising activities is too short a promotional period. Have you considered this?

Don't worry. That's what we're here for - to show you everything you need to know.

Will I receive a guarantee of high positions in Google search results during SEO?

We build our projects as well as we can to give such a guarantee. Google often introduces changes to its algorithms, which change from week to week. These algorithms can display our position on a fixed spot one day, a few positions lower the next, and vice versa. Don't worry, we know about all the changes in advance, which minimizes the risk of lower results and allows us to stay ahead of the competition.

I have a vision for my project - can you realize it?

Of course! We always take into account how you want your project to look. Often, we also suggest our own ideas because we know what works well and what may not work in your industry.

What is the down payment for a graphic design project?

In the case of individual graphic design projects, we do not charge a down payment. We usually settle after completing the project.

How long is the contract period for marketing activities?

The minimum period is 3 months. Contracts are available for 3, 6, and 12 months. It is possible to sign a contract for a longer period than a year.

I am starting a new business, and I am not sure what advertising to invest in. Can you help?

Of course! This is what we specialize in. Not all forms of advertising will be necessary for you. Trust us - this is what we are here for, to help you expand your brand.

Can I visit you or do you only work remotely?

Come for a coffee! The main office is located in Rokiciny Podhalańskie near Rabka Zdrój. We often work remotely with clients via email, phone, or video calls, which we prefer if the client is from a distant location.

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Website, Website Store
Graphic services
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